Credit @mark_vaughan_ (instagram)
Palestine Solidarity Campaign groups in Wales‘Naming the Dead’ banner wrap around the Senedd in remembrance of Gazans killed in Israel’s genocide In a poignant act of remembrance, the public will encircle the Senedd with the ‘Naming the Dead’ banner on Wednesday, March 13th, at noon. The 200m banner is meticulously inscribed with some 20,000 names …
On Sat 16 Mar there will be a funeral procession dedicated to those killed in Gaza. We will carry the names of those killed in coffins at the front of our march to show our Palestinian brothers and sisters that we are sorry, we are mourning their relatives with them and we stand with Palestine. …
🌹 Honouring Lives Lost: Naming The Dead🌹 Join us in a powerful act of remembrance as we unveil a 200-meter-long banner ‘Naming the Dead’ around the Senedd, listing the names of the tens of thousands who lost their lives in Gaza. 🗓 Wednesday, March 13th – 12 noon On this solemn day, we’ll be draping …
On Saturday 2nd March, Naming the Dead returns to the arms company Elbit Systems in Filton, Bristol. For the last 3 weeks, banners extending to over 150m have been inscribed by members of the Bristol public with the names of over 10,000 Palestinians killed in Gaza. Public writing events have taken place at College Green …
Read more “150m banners to visit mosques in Bristol, then return to Elbit for rally”
For the second time in two weeks, members of Bristol’s public were invited to meet in an outdoor space and write names of the dead in Gaza onto long banners. On the 18th February, at College Green, more than 4,000 names of children had been written onto banners stretching to over 100m. A week later, on …
Read more “Delivering names of the dead to the arms dealers”
I grew up witnessing the Palestinians refugees’ life in their camps in Damascus and their struggle then being from Syria, a country that was torn apart. It is so hard to explain to people who have never witnessed war or lived under a tyrant how it feels. For that I do appreciate you and your friends …
Read more “Members of the public write names of Palestinian dead”
PRESS RELEASE: 15/02/2024 NAMING THE DEAD EVENT AT COLLEGE GREEN SUNDAY 18 FEBRUARY, 2024 12 NOON onwards Organised by Naming the Dead, BPA (Bristol Palestine Alliance), PSC, the Hands Up Project, and others At 12.0 on Sunday 18 February, a group will gather outside Bristol Cathedral to sing laments for the dead children in Gaza, …